Almost immediately after signing the contract to build and giving our earnest money deposit we had a appointment for the Design Center. "Now we talking," we were told ahead of time that the appointment duration could be up to 4-6 hours we will first be meeting with onduty (the technology guy) to choose all the structure wiring throughout the home, placement of HDMI outlets, security systems, data/networking placements etc. After that we will be meeting with the Design Center Specialist and with her we will be choosing everything from the siding on the house, to the flooring. We had so much fun choosing all of our options, everything about our new home is chosen by us. The Design Center specialist was very helpful in helping us choose the right color palettes, it's hard to Envision the look of the home without someone helping you knowing what goes together "kitchen cabinets colors against this color of granite countertops."she definitely has an eye for design and I used every bit of her expertise to make our home look beautiful. We were there for 6 hours, no surprise! But we enjoyed ever minute of it
Me and my husband at the Design Center |
Me and the design center specialist |