Monday, July 18, 2016

Installation Complete

We finally had our pre drywall meeting and everything is going as planned. Yay!! No issues with our build but can't say the same for new neighbors that's building around us :( but thank god and knock on wood it's going good for us. The construction manager told us that the drywall will be going up next week

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Building Progress Update!!!

Sorry guys it's been a while since my last post. The home build has been moving so fast and  I  wanted to give a lot of information with my posts
but there was not a lot to say about the progress so at this stage its just all about seeing how fast things get done and how long it takes from one stage to the next. So for this post, I will be playing catch up with the pictures so enjoy

Friday, May 20, 2016


It's coming along great! Not a lot to say about this stage, we was told that the inspection of this work will take place Friday and after that they will pore the concert and start the framing next week.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Laying pipe!

Don't start with me on the I had to do it. Now let's get our heads out the gutter! Steady progress has been happening on the property, we was surprised to see all the plumbing put in and how it looks. My husband walked around and showed me were the bathrooms are the long pipe standing up will led to the upstairs bathrooms. It's nice to be able to see how everything goes I can truly say that I will know every aspect of our home

Friday, May 6, 2016


We will be checking on the progress at least once a week, or once a day if my husband has anything to do with it : ) the sales agent said that the start of the build will be slow but once it starts we will see steady progress, I'm hoping so...

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Builder's Meeting

We have been anticipating this meeting for a while now, YEA! IT'S HAPPENING! We have finally broke ground and the home building process begins. We met with the builder around 2pm, he showed us the blueprints and explained the building process with us. He explained how the house will be layed out, what will be started on first and the times during the process we will meet. He went over all the options we chose to ensure all of our features was added, he also stated that when we're at the drywall stage he will be able to give us projected closing date. The Builders Appointment took about 3 hours and was very detailed. The builder Derik was very nice, he answered all of my questions and believe me I always have a lot of questions, but I could tell that he didn't mind and that the meeting was truly for us and he was there for us to answer our questions, (now that's a professional ) The Roxbury is on it's way

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Starting date April 20th

We received an update for the sales agent, he said that our home is scheduled  to start slating on April 20th yea....he also told us that we will probably do the construction meeting the following week.